Reading literature with feeling?
Oral Interpretation of Literature Project Monterey Peninsula College Daniel S. Fox, Ph.D. Task: - Choosing a selection of no less than three pieces of literature (narrative, exposition, poetry, didactic, etc.), conduct an oral interpretation reading that lasts between 3-7 minutes in length, including transitional phrases and a brief introduction.
- The selections should contain an obvious theme, and should demonstrate obvious adaptation to this audience (that is, themes and topics that are relevant and significant, and which would especially communicate to this particular audience).
Presentation: - The best interpretation skills should be utilized in this presentation, demonstrating characterization, mood, emotions, and motion.
- Material should be held during the reading, and actual reading may be done; however, the reading should be so well practiced that it is fluid and natural. It should sound and feel like it is NOT read, but merely delivered naturally by the characters (or authors).
- The material should be copied and put into a single folder, with pages for each selection. Avoid having numerous books, papers, pamphlets, etc. in your hand while presenting.
- Movement may include upper body motions, and facial expressions, but should be limited to that; no stage blocking required.
Other stipulations: - Time limits: the presentation should be between 3-7 minutes.
- A copy of the material should be made available to the professor by the end of the presentation. This should include (1) all introductory comments and transitional phrases, (2) your name, course, day and time class meets, and (3) a source sheet for all the material used (written as a bibliography page).
