About course calendars
One of the most important terms on the calendar is the word Tentative. This is because, for various reasons, the schedule remains quite flexible over the course of the semester. I may need to change the timing of things based on factors such as number of students in the class, how many drop out, and our progress through the material.

Tentatitve Course Calendar
Tentative Course Schedule Public Speaking (Spch 1): Spring 2007 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:10-9:00 and 9:10-10:00am)
| Date | Topic | Notes / Assignments | 1 | Mon, Jan 29 | Introduction | Read syllabus | 2 | Wed, Jan 31 | Introductions | Read syllabus | 3 | Fri, Feb 2 | Introductions, Lecture | Read syllabus | 4 | Mon, Feb 5 | Orientation Quiz, Lecture |
| 5 | Wed, Feb 7 | Introduction to Public Speaking | Getting yourself ready: Com App | 6 | Fri, Feb 9 | Introduction, cont’d: Organizing | Organizing your ideas | 7 | Mon, Feb 12 | Introduction, cont’d: Delivery | Video: Standard Deviants | 8 | Wed, Feb 14 | Introduction, cont’d: Support | Using examples, illustrations, etc. | 9 | Fri, Feb 16 | Self Intro coaching |
| 10 | Mon, Feb 19 | Presidents’ Day: Holiday ======== | No class ================== | 11 | Wed, Feb 21 | Self Intro coaching |
| 12 | Fri, Feb 23 | Self Introductory Speeches | Speeches | 13 | Mon, Feb 26 | Self Introductory Speeches | Speeches | 14 | Wed, Feb 28 | Self Introductory Speeches | Speeches | 15 | Fri, Mar 2 | Self Introductory Speeches | Speeches | 16 | Mon, Mar 5 | Self Introductory Speeches | Speeches | 17 | Wed, Mar 7 | Lecture: Designing visual aids | Designing visual aids | 18 | Fri, Mar 9 | Groups: Evaluating VAs | Using visual aids in delivery | 19 | Mon, Mar 12 | Oral Interpretation coaching |
| 20 | Wed, Mar 14 | Oral Interpretation presentations | Groups present | 21 | Fri, Mar 16 | Oral Interpretation presentations | Groups present | 22 | Mon, Mar 19 | Oral Interpretation presentations | Groups present | 23 | Wed, Mar 21 | Text Chapter presentations | Groups present | 24 | Fri, Mar 23 | Text Chapter presentations | Groups present | 25 | Mon, Mar 26 | Text Chapter presentations | Groups present | 26 | Wed, Mar 28 | Text Chapter presentations | Groups present | 27 | Fri, Mar 30 | Text Chapter presentations | Groups present | 28 | Mon, Apr 2 | Midterm prep day |
| 29 | Wed, Apr 4 | Midterm Exam |
| 30 | Fri, Apr 6 | STI coaching | Exam | 31 | Mon, Apr 9 | Spring Break ================ | No class ================== | 32 | Wed, Apr 11 | Spring Break ================ | No class ================== | 33 | Fri, Apr 13 | Spring Break ================ | No class ================== | 34 | Mon, Apr 16 | STI coaching |
| 35 | Wed, Apr 18 | Speech to Inform | Speeches | 36 | Fri, Apr 20 | Speech to Inform | Speeches | 37 | Mon, Apr 23 | Speech to Inform | Speeches |
| Date | Topic | Notes / Assignments | 38 | Wed, Apr 25 | Speech to Inform | Speeches | 39 | Fri, Apr 27 | Speech to Inform | Speeches | 40 | Mon, Apr 30 | Speech to Inform | Speeches | 41 | Wed, May 2 | Comm. Analysis coaching |
| 42 | Fri, May 4 | Comm. Analysis coaching |
| 43 | Mon, May 7 | Comm. Analysis presentations | Groups present | 44 | Wed, May 9 | Comm. Analysis presentations | Groups present | 45 | Fri, May 11 | Comm. Analysis presentations | Groups present | 46 | Mon, May 14 | Comm. Analysis presentations | Groups present | 47 | Wed, May 16 | Comm. Analysis presentations | Groups present | 48 | Fri, May 18 | Comm. Analysis presentations | Groups present | 49 | Mon, May 21 | Consultation Days: grades out. |
| 50 | Wed, May 23 | Consultation Days: no class |
| 51 | Fri, May 25 | Final exam week begins: no class |
Final Exam Preparation: | Date and Time: | Assignments Due: | Final Exam in this course | 9:10 section: Friday, May 25, at 8:10 8:10 section: Wed, May 30, at 8:10 | Final Reflection Paper; any extra credit. |
Tentative Course Schedule Public Speaking (Spch 1): Spring 2007 (Friday: 12:10-3:00pm)
| Date | Topic | Notes / Assignments | 1 | Fri, Jan 26 | Introductions | Read Syllabus | 2 | Fri, Feb 2 | Lecture, Orientation Quiz | Quiz. | 3 | Fri, Feb 9 | TC Project assigned; Self-Intro Speeches begin; Lecture |
| 4 | Fri, Feb 16 | Self-Intro Speeches completed; Lecture; Text Chapter Project work | Text chapters | 5 | Fri, Feb 23 | Text Chapter Project work; Lecture | Text chapters | 6 | Fri, Mar 2 | Text Chapter Project work; Lecture | Text chapters | 7 | Fri, Mar 9 | Text Chapter Project presentations | Text chapters, 1st half of groups | 8 | Fri, Mar 16 | Text Chapter Project presentations | Text chapters, 2nd half of groups | 9 | Fri, Mar 23 | Oral Interpretation presentations |
| 10 | Fri 2, Mar 30 | Oral Interpretation presentations | Midterm preparation | 11 | Fri, Apr 6 | Midterm Exam | Exam | 12 | Fri, Apr 13 | Spring Break ============ | No class =================== | 13 | Fri, Apr 20 | Speech to Inform | First half of class presents | 14 | Fri, Apr 27 | Speech to Inform | Last half of class presents | 15 | Fri, May 4 | Comm. Analysis presentations | Grps. present | 16 | Fri, May 11 | Comm. Analysis presentations | Grps. Present; Last regular class day. | 17 | Fri, May 18 | Consultation Days: grade totals out. |
| 18 | Fri, May 25 | Final Exam day | Final Refl. Paper due; any extra credit |
Final Exam Preparation: | Date and Time: | Assignments Due: | Final Exam in this course | Friday, May 25, 1:10 | Final Reflection Paper; any extra credit. |
Email Dr. Fox
Speech Prof Website
Some things to remember:
Speaker Day Policy:
There are numerous reasons that a student might not be able to speak on a particular day. Some are valid reasons, and others are not.
Please do not assume that because you couldn’t make a speech day that you will be able to make-up the speech. The only way a students is able to make up a speech is if they have discussed their absence with me in person (not email, not via notes), and I have approved the make-up. I will approve make-ups for situations that are discernibly out of the student’s control, or are directly related to medical-health emergencies. Planned absences, job-related training sessions, visits to long-lost relatives in some other country, the death of family animals, and trips to the DMV are examples of absences that bear no relationship to class attendance and performance. They may be personal, just as this class is, and your decision to commit yourself to it.
If you discover difficulties in your negotiation of priorities
after having committed to the course,
that is a problem for which you will have to claim responsibility.
Second, please do not assume that if you do get a make-up a speech that it will happen within the same round as everyone else. We may have run out of time, and it is unfair to everyone else to lose precious preparation time in class just to hear speeches that could or should have been delivered earlier, when scheduled.
If you are allowed a make-up, there are some things you should know: (1) if there is time in the round, you will be put on stand-by for each available day after your scheduled day; (2) if there is no time then, you may have to deliver the speech to the professor solo, without an audience; (3) if your reasons for missing the speech are less than valid, but the professor allows the make-up out of grace, you will only be able to recover half the points for the assignment, as it falls under the category of a late assignment, and the syllabus clearly states that late assignments can achieve no more that half credit.